Searching for Linux Specialist
We are searching for a In-house project a Linux Specialist. The project consist in developing a verification tool for digital transmission.
The software will produce signals on sound-board, with variable noise ratio and will compare the sent frames with the input from a modem via RS232 ComPort.
More details are to be discussed with the selected members.
Of course, we are Hams so we are looking for volunteers.
Send application at yo3hjv at
Tnx and 73 de YO3HJV, Adrian
Pentru un proiect "in house" la YO3KSR, cautam un specialist in Linux.
Proiectul necesita realizarea unui tool de verificare (trimite niste secvente de date mixate cu zgomot si compara rezultatul unei decodari, furnizat pe un COM Port).
Activitatea este "hobby style" si rasplata, initial, gloria!
Puteti raspunde pe email: yo3hjv at
73 de YO3HJV, Adrian