radioclubul Bucuresti al Societatii Romane a Radioamatorilor

...when anything fails, ham radio!


APRS Chaser

Am reusit, intr-un tarziu, sa finalizam lista celor care au confirmat receptia tramelor APRS ale balonului Stratospherium 2011, despre care stiti ca a avut la bord o baliza APRS cu indicativul YR1X-11 pentru localizare si telemetrie.

In scurt timp, fiecare dintre cei indicati pe lista de mai jos vor primi, prin e-mail, Certificatul pe care l-am promis!


Tuturor celor care au fost alaturi de noi, le multumim si le promitem ca, data viitoare o vom face si mai "lata"! Smile

73! de YO3HJV

LATER EDIT: Certificatele, in versiunea electronica au fost expediate.

Pentru versiunea PRINT, costul este de 5 lei + taxe postale. Contact: YO3JW, Pit.

HALO balloon recovered! Mission success!

As you may know, we participate on a complex project involving the attempt to break the East European Altitude record!
Yeap, we set the new one at 35.300 m a.s.l with the "Stratospherium2011" balloon!
As for our "job", the tracking and the recovery, we manage to have a very accurate image of the trajectory using APRS!
The Tactical I was directed by the Ground Control very close to the landing site, close enough to receive the APRS positioning packets on TM D710 and AVMAP Geosat 6 APRS PNA.
The coordinates sent was at 300m from the real landing place!

High altitude YO baloon launch!

       The "Mission"

       The "Stratospherium 2011" mission is ready to launch the tryout for the highest altitude for a balloon in Eastern Europe!

     The project is lead by Mr. Florin Mingireanu and Mr Catalin Beldea and is aimed to take fabulous live video and photos of the Earth from near-space altitude.

     The mission's radio callsign will be YR1X, a special hamradio callsign issued by ANCOM for Romanian Society of Radioamateurs.

Kenwood Sky Command II

Sky Command II pentru Kenwood. Setari si operare.

Kenwood ofera pentru posesorii de echipament TS-2000 + TM D-710 (TH-D7) posibilitatea de a opera statia in modul remote. Ce inseamna aceasta? Practic, poti sa operezi statia TS2000 in HF de la distanta, cu ajutorul unei statii mobile sau portabile (TM-D710 sau TH-D7). Minunat, nu?


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