6V1A Team will be active again from Goree Island, IOTA AF - 045, 18 - 20 December 2020.
Team - 6W1JX, 6W1PZ, 6W1KI, 6W1TA, 6W1SV.
Check DXwatch spots for 6V1A.
radioclubul Bucuresti al Societatii Romane a Radioamatorilor
...when anything fails, ham radio!
6V1A Team will be active again from Goree Island, IOTA AF - 045, 18 - 20 December 2020.
Team - 6W1JX, 6W1PZ, 6W1KI, 6W1TA, 6W1SV.
Check DXwatch spots for 6V1A.
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