Aceasta rubrica sintetizeaza informatii utile pentru propagarea HF si VHF globala.
Informatiile se actualizeaza periodic, inclusiv imaginile.
Activitatea aurorala
Polul Nord Polul Sud
Indicele "K" - Estimare la nivel planetar.
Indicele "K" este derivat din observatiile din masuratorile componentei verticale a campului geomagnetic. El indica "furtunile" geomagnetice. Actualizare la fiecare 3 ore.
GOES - X-ray
GOES - X-ray reprezinta nivelul razelor X masurate de reteaua de sateliti specializati. Actualizare la 5 minute.
Imagine GOES
GOES Flux radiatie X

Informatii primite prin NOAA-SWPC si GOES.
The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) is part of the National Weather Service and is one of the nine National Centers for Environmental Prediction. It is the nation's official source of space weather alerts, watches and warnings. SWPC provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar and geophysical events which impact satellites, power grids, communications, navigation, and many other technological systems. SWPC also explores and evaluates new models and products and transitions them into operations. SWPC is also the primary warning center for the International Space Environment Service and works with many national and international partners with whom data, products, and services are shared.